Personal Fleet
You can configure your fleet and create your own strategy. As long as it is within the standards set by PARSEC. Read more about this on the fleets page.
We are a company with extensive experience in the logistics system of the STAR ATLAS game. We have been there since the beginning of the game and you can be sure that we know what we are doing.
Learn more about our logistics services. Learn about our fleets, our stellar bases and our support stake to you.
Learn more about our craft strategies and win with us
You can configure your fleet and create your own strategy. As long as it is within the standards set by PARSEC. Read more about this on the fleets page.
Our short-distance delivery logistics are designed to ensure speed and efficiency. Optimized routes and vehicles with good cargo, good warp and offering you low operating costs.
Our long-distance logistics are specialized in transporting large volumes of cargo with maximum efficiency. We use advanced planning strategies and high-capacity vehicles.
Choose Starbase (a).
Choose Starbase (a).
Choose Material.
Choose Fleet.
See the value and time of your shipping
Here we will always show the ranking of everyone involved in the PARSEC project. For us, anyone who stands out in our project is considered a PARSEC ELITE. . .
Best Transporter / Neo Armstrong
Best Supplier / Zelensky
Best Customer / Bohdy
CEO da PARSEC LINK, responsável por liderar a visão estratégica e o crescimento da empresa. Atua diretamente na gestão de operações e no fortalecimento da marca, garantindo excelência em todas as áreas do negócio.
Cofundador e CEO da PARSEC LINK, lidera estratégias e decisões-chave, além de gerenciar os canais de divulgação no Twitch e YouTube, impulsionando a presença digital da marca.
Logistic service provider company plays a pivotal role in the global supply chain
Logistic service provider company plays a pivotal role in the global supply chain
Logistic service provider company plays a pivotal role in the global supply chain
Logistic service provider company plays a pivotal role in the global supply chain
Logistic service provider company plays a pivotal role in the global supply chain
Logistic service provider company plays a pivotal role in the global supply chain
Logistic service provider company plays a pivotal role in the global supply chain